Friday, November 9, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Big Bright World (Garbage)
This is Garbage's new music video. Aric and I were honored to be in it with other wonderful Darklings that were chosen. We had a blast on set and now have some great new memories to share for the rest of our lives. Thank you again to Garbage and to Garbage's team for being so kind. ;)
Monday, April 30, 2012
The 5 R's In Relationship
Relationships are all different. They come in all shapes and sizes, all different colors and beginnings, but when it comes to be, the fundamentals are what makes for a long lasting success. Now, there are plenty of varieties depending on whom you’re with and how the relationship is based, but I find the five major components are the 5 R's. They are Respect, Romance, Remember, Reverend Confession, and Refine. Don’t get stressed out. Really, it isn’t that bad. Each one has more than a little to bring to the table, so lets get started shall we.
The first, of course, is RESPECT. This comes in all forms between people in general, but it is most important in gluing the bond between two lovers. It is the foundation that everything else builds upon like the solid concrete that holds up the Roman Coliseum. One should always know that both are equal in the relationship, because it not only brings fairness between them but it brings self-love. It provides strength so one knows they are worth it and gives them a sense of identity to speak up. Two people are supposed to have a voice and if you don’t think so, then maybe a relationship is not what you should be in.
Another part of Respect is something I like to call “Personal Space or Place Your Case.” We all have wandering eyes that can sometimes get us into trouble, but try your hardest not to faultier under pressure. Personal space, like your lover's cell phone or even the separate gym time they like to keep to themselves, can save a relationship. Yes, when it comes down to it, people may believe when MARRIED all what is yours becomes OURS, but you're wrong. You do share lives that need to feel shared, but some things need to stay theirs. Unless of course you have reason to suspect infidelity, then in my eyes all bets are off. But until that evidence is to the forefront, DO NOT LET YOUR TEMPTATION GET THE BEST OF YOU.

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Nicolas Guerra & Aric Sky |
The last part of Romance comes with the JUST BECAUSE territory. I mean come on! In truth, the holidays are really never going to be a huge surprise. Most are expecting something in the back of their minds, but how you can really get them is by doing something JUST BECAUSE. Not only will you catch your man or woman (I’m not judging) off guard, but here also is where the magic lies. It really does. If you want to get points for going beyond then hone in on the small things.
In the beginning of my relationship with my boyfriend Aric, he surprised me with sneaking roses into my car without me knowing. So when I woke up and headed to class, I had a “WHAT THE FUCK” moment when I discovered at my right there were red roses. I am not going to lie; I was scared for a moment. I didn’t know if I had a stocker or what, but especially now I can look back and have proof in my catalog of memories that he is different. He is someone that did something for me that no one else had ever thought of. And see, it wasn’t a big party and there wasn’t an event attached to it, but from his gesture I realized that I did love him and he loves me. You mean the world to me BABE.
Next on the Agenda is REMEMBER. This is part of the relationship that everyone has trouble with even myself. Just keep it simple when it comes to holidays. Think VALENTINE’S Day (Check), BIRTHDAY (Check), and ANNIVERSARY (Check). If you are confused with anyone of these then ASK! Ask directly or ask with charm by being slick about it. I don’t care, but there is no reason for you to forget these. Just Write the BLOODY THING DOWN or even give it to your MOMMA if you have to. There is absolutely no reason you can ever give that allows you to forget these moments. You can literally have ALZHEIMERS and your mate will not be amused.

Now one of the hardest parts of the 5 R’s, or maybe for some it is the easiest, is the REVEREND CONFESSION. Let me explain. What this has to deal with is honesty, trust, and a little bit of good faith. Picture a confessional, for the Catholics, with a priest listening in on your sins. And you are sitting in a closet of a room as you talk through a little window. This is much like that but without the priest, without the claustrophobic closet, and without the Hail Marys coined with a couple of dreaded Our Fathers. It is a place where you and your lover can speak freely, but with respect and without any precautions or prosecutions. It is a save Haven between you and your partner where you let each other know what is really going on inside, what can be worked on between each other, and even a place were you could possibly get in an apology that you might have missed.
This is scary for many, because most couples keep a lot to themselves for the sake of compromise or for the sake of not arguing. This is where you are wrong again. I understand you may be tired from a long day, or maybe you just stopped arguing and the peace feels golden. The problem is if you do not speak up about your dilemmas, I can promise you that they are going to come up again. AND AGAIN... AND AGAIN.
Anyways, relationships are supposed to be based on honesty, right? I mean, come on. You know damn well, that there is something you might want to say that you have locked in your mind for only your ears to hear. And as much as you might want to keep it like that, you need to let it out.
If you find it is difficult to get a word in then write everything down, make rules for the discussion, and use a baton of sorts. Whoever has the baton is aloud to speak while the one without is there to listen. As the other speaks, you can go ahead and write it down if you must, because in the heat of the moment we all forget and even find it hard to stay quiet. A word of advice if I may add, you might want to do this when your tempers are cooled. You know, when the fire in your eyes has been left to a miniature mosquito sized lit of a flame? Both will be calm enough to listen and your risk of a heart attack will demise back down to 1%. Well, it may be more; I’m not your nutritionist, so either way it will be less than before.
We are finally at the last R. Do I hear cheering and applause in the bleachers, or is that just my imagination? No I think I’m right. It is cheers. The Last R is Refine. See relationships may not start complicated, but as we get older and the relationship grows they tend to become that way. It isn’t the relationship’s fault, so don’t blame. It has plenty of feelings to, and if you make it sad it may not come to cuddle you at night when you are all alone, because you didn’t listen to me. I am just playing with you, I am sure your relationship is working, and if it is not, than that is what I am here for.
Refine is basically telling you that your relationship does not have to be complicated, even when new components like children or moving in together are added to the table. You have the power to simplify it. Patty from Million Dollar Matchmaker said it best when teaching the importance of having your NON-NEGOTIABLES. These are the things you want out of a relationship that you need to have and are not willing to change. These can include if you want a family, if you want your lover to be religious or not at all, or the nonnegotiable of needing someone that satisfies you with THE SMALL THINGS. Everyone needs to look at these first before coming into a relationship, because if you don’t then a happy long lasting relationship is nearly impossible.
The next step is letting your lover know from the beginning. As we know, we are creatures that evolve, and we are creatures that change our minds. It is all ok, but give your lover a fighting chance will ya? If your non-negotiables change, discuss it with them and see if they are on the right page. If they are not then maybe it is time to move on, or maybe it is just time for a break. Don’t be turned off from the word BREAK, because it should be an option if needed. It doesn’t mean the person is not in love with you anymore, it simply means they need to figure a couple things out. It might not even be you, but with life throwing so many curve balls breaks can sometimes save a relationship more than you know. Now if your lover is no longer interested, then be respectful and don’t go crazy. There is a difference between fighting to get them back, and completely acting like a maniac. Love yourself enough to understand when you should fight and when you should leave.
So there are my 5 Rs. To recap for those, like me, who have a short attention span at times, they are Respect, Romance, Remember, Reverend Confession, and Refine. We all really do come in all different shapes and backgrounds when it comes to love and relationships. But never forget that you have the power to have a successful loving and long lasting relationship. It doesn’t matter where your MOMMA comes from, if you come from a broken family, or a broken heart. We can and deserver love in our lives. I promise you, if you take time to love yourself, love your partner, and listen to these 5 R’s, you will find the right kind of love that is right for you. So keep your head up, give a smile, and continue to love, because that is what we are born to do.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I Hate Love VDay Video 2012
Thank you Garbage for including my baby Aric Sky and I's photo in your "I Hate Love" Valentine's Day Video 2012. You put such an amazing smile on my baby's face today which I oh all the world to.
I hope you all have an amazing day. =)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Romance. Isn't Just for Women?
In straight relationships the roles of romance are usually quite easy to figure out. Between women and men the woman will always get the heads up on the surprises, the gifts, the luxuries (if lucky), the Cinderella red carpet (if you have a gentleman), and above all else which wraps up everything with a rose red bow, the romance. But how do these roles align in a gay relationship. How does a gay couple know who should be romanced?

I would have to give the Transgender and Bisexual couples an upper hand. Of course not in every case, but for the most part these are easy in and easy out. No I am not referring to the sexual positions one may take in the relationship (you may day dream if you like), but usually the more manlier figure is going to be the man. In Bisexual relationships (referring to if a man is involved), especially if the man is not so manly (wink), the roles usually still go to the man. Yes the roles do flip on occasion, and yes I understand that this does not count for every set in the world. But they do tend to be what the observer sees.
Now for Lesbians and Gays. (This term “gay” is usually set for gay men in particular. There are other names but they tend to lean to the more sexual persuasion. ;p) This is where it gets a little bit more difficult. In lesbian relationships and gay relationships we have either two men or two women. Depending if you are in open relationships or not, options may vary, but for this blog we will stick with the classic set of twos. If we find that each person in the relationship still show those different characteristics then we usually find the “Manlier” figure is the one romancing. But situations do still get confusing. That is why communication is key to the success of it.
I still give an upper hand to women relationships as well because women tend to still go out of their way for each other rather one is expecting to be "The Romanced." With both still having a woman’s touch. Again "YES" relationships will vary depending where you are, what kind of people you engaged with, and what kind of values each of you hold, but women in my experience still understand the power of communication which in turn allow themselves to share roles.
Well now we finally come to gay men relationships. They are difficult “Son of a Guns” aren’t they. I often hear the coined phrase that “Hollywood Relationships last longer than a Gay Relationship.” That “You’re lucky if you get to a 1 year anniversary.” Even that “7 months in a gay relationship is like 3 or more years in gay years.” As we all know these are not true. I have heard of many relationships that have been together much longer with no infidelities and are still together. They are also very happy “Son of A Guns.” My boyfriend, in particular, would definitely stand strong on that notion, but I can’t help myself and believe that there is some truth in those ridiculous sayings.
Last night I was battling between these views. My boyfriend is 6 years older than I, so maybe my idea is just based on my generation alone or maybe we have just been traveling in two very different circles. In which, his is surrounded by long lasting gay relationships and mine on singles trying or not caring to be in relationships. Rather which is more accurate we all know that any relationship is difficult. Some flow with more ease than others, but still challenges do apply.
In gay relationships we have two men. As statistics show women do mature faster than men. That includes our minds. Now in Scientist America it does show that straight women and gay men have similar minds different of those of the heterosexual male orient. Scientists say, “In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA that gay men and straight women share similar traits—most notably in the size of their brains and the activity of the amygdala.” But men are still men and sometimes the needs are not as obvious. In saying this, the roles in the relationship can get even more difficult.
The rules of attraction are still seen here, because usually those with feminine traits end off with those men with more masculine traits. (Do not get offended by my use of titling by these two different categories, because I am simply using a method that we can all understand.) Romance on the other hand gets hazy. The overall idea is that women get romanced and men do the romancing. So what do we do when there are two men?
Besides the fact of the rules of attraction, sometimes we find ourselves in equal balanced relationships. That means that both share feminine and masculine traits; preferring to share the roles and name themselves in a “Partnered Relationship.” Not labeling either as the man or woman. I agree with this concept because that is what I am in. I do prefer to be the one that romances, but what I have learned over the years is that men want to be romanced too.
It doesn’t matter if you are in a heterosexual or gay relationship both need to be romanced. Both need to feel like they are wanted, loved, and appreciated. Maybe this means in different ways, but that is your job to figure out. I think this is where the misconception and difficulty comes from when it comes to gay relationships.

And do us all a favor and stop using the man approach. It is not fair to use the “Well I am a Man” excuse. If you want to be single then be respectful of the other in the relationship and get out. If you want to be both then cover that with your partner up front, but it takes two to make a long lasting commitment. That will beat the odds in any embarkment, because a relationship is a relationship above all else. It takes time. It takes work. It takes trust, love, and honesty. But never forget it also takes romance.
gay relationships,
Los Angeles,
men love,
nicolas guerra,
santa clarita,
Monday, January 23, 2012
Stop The Hate
When I was deciding what I should write in this blog I came to a wall. Something that many writers and artists come to once in a while. A block tends to linger for whatever the reason is. Some people say it is simply because our minds get tired. Others may agree that maybe inspiration just didn’t thrive them enough to express them selves. For me, it was because I had nothing to say.

I am older now and my situations dealing with ill minded people have mostly deceased, but hearing that this heartache still has to be experienced baffles me. Today should be so much different. It should be filled with more self-awareness and respect not hate. We are not in the stone ages of knowledge. We are in an Era where almost every truth of our history is recorded and is able to be seen right at our fingertips if we chose to search. And by this gift those that were once ignorant would be able to find solitude and remember that even their own people were in the line of prejudice. I would hope that in doing so they would come to realize that their injustice should never be repeated onto another, because that is not the way.

It doesn't matter if you are Christian, Muslim, Catholic, Islamic, Hindu, Atheist, or of any other affiliation you connect with, you do not have the right to attack someone because of who they choose to love. That is beyond the power of judgment. Especially ours.We are here to LOVE. As corny as that may sound to some. We are here to live, to love, and to find our way back to love if we get off track. I am not a preacher nor am I someone who claims to know everything, but I do know this. I have understood this since I was a little kid, and I know everyone of you knows this too.

What Changed?
gay rights,
human rights,
moving right through,
nicolas guerra,
santa clarita,
Friday, January 6, 2012
Turned Away For Being Gay!
Blood drives through out the United States are not accepting blood donations from homosexual men sexually active with other men because of a policy passed by The Food and Drug Administration in 1983. In certain cases, donors who were not homosexual were turned away because the assumption was made that they were.
Today, all blood donated is tested extensively for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, and other transmitted diseases before being released to any hospitals.
The policy made by The Food and Drug Administration was created because of the AIDS outbreak in Los Angeles and the rest of the United States. During interviews for prospective donors a questionnaire is given deciding rather one is eligible to participate or not.
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Picture of the FDA Questionnaire 1 |
The actual question added in 1983 (at left) to The Food and Drug Administration questionnaire asks, “Male Donors: From 1977 to present have you had sex, even once, with another male?” It leaves a bubble as well for female applicants to pass to the next question. “We certainly see this as a discriminatory issue,’’ said Nathan Schaefer, director of public policy for the GAY MEN’S HEALTH CRISIS. “It unfairly singles out gay men.” On the New York Times website published by Jacqueline Mroz an interviewee stated, “I work in a nonprofit sector, and it’s important for me to give back. You can’t participate in a work place event. I have to explain that my government thinks my blood is tainted.”

In particular cases men have been turned away merely on the appearance of homosexuality when they have explained they are not. During a recent interview by Jerry Davich from the Chicago Sun-Times on July 15, 2011 a 22-year-old male was handled in this manner by Bio-Blood Components Inc. in Gary, Ind. The young guy said, “ I was humiliated and embarrassed. It’s not right that homeless people can give blood but homosexuals can’t. And I’m not even homosexual.” Bio-Blood had no comment when Davich tried to contact them.
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University of Texas Photo by Jana Birchum |
Maybe someday the United States can follow in the footsteps like the United Kingdom who allow everyone to donate blood with a one-year deferral. It first starts with bringing this awareness to the forefront not just other parts of the United States but right here in Santa Clarita Valley and Los Angeles. It begins with people standing up and asking questions. The University of California, Los Angeles found that over 219,000 more pints of blood could be donated annually each year if this ban was changed to the one-year deferral process. The HIV virus is not only transmitted through men, but it is unbiased when in comes to gender so the policy is inaccurate. Researchers have proven that blood is tested thoroughly with modern day technology. With leading nations already using new methods for processing donors the United States can see it works. We must put ourselves in everyone’s shoes before judgment and stigmas are made on a group of people who are only trying to help humanity.
behind the scenes,
Los Angeles,
nicolas guerra,
santa clarita
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Maya Angelou: Finding My Voice
Maya Angelou is one of my most favorite people. She inspires with out speaking one word. She influences with a simple smile and touches my heart with every laugh. But when she does speak it is as though life stops for a moment because a teacher is teaching.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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