Sunday, August 29, 2010

Journey to "AIDS California Walk 2010"

Please Check out the link below. It is the link to my "Aids Walk Web Page." The 2010 "AIDS California Walk" will be on September 26th. Even if you can not make it out to Volunteer, your support in the form of a donation will definitely help. If that is to much as well, I understand it is difficult for some right now, please take a couple minutes to spread the word.

Here is a link to give you a visual of where these donations are going, and why it is important for all of us to support causes just like this one. Thank you for your time.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back Your Track Over Packed Jack!

     Right now I am sitting in a coffee shop and sipping on my “Bold Coffee of the Day” overhearing little conversations around me. As you can probably start to image, the sounds of the horns are trumping and the voices of “Old Time Blues Singers” are traveling through the air.  This is one of my favorite places to just get some work done, or even on my best of days, to just sit and listen. You might be asking yourself, “Why are you sitting alone, in a coffee shop, just listening to conversations?” Well, obviously it is because I am waiting for a “Huge Group of People” to burst in at any second to join me.  EEEENNNT!! WRONG!. Lol.  As fun as that sounds, No….,  Occasionally, I do enjoy just sitting in random places by myself, allowing not only the music, but random strangers to entertain me with their random looks and conversations.  It is enlightening and sometimes quite funny actually. You get “Slight Hellos,” “ Curious Georges with big “?” marks on their faces, and sometimes are even blessed with “ THE NUNS.” Yes my friends.  But not just any NUNS, but the ones with the full “I’M MARRIED TO GOD” get up and slow pacing struts that only seem to get slower.

     Today I over heard these, “ GRACIOUS BEEDS OF LIGHT”Photobucket   share a story about something very unexpected. One, I have to say, I felt shameful to even allow myself to point my ears at.  The kind of conversation that makes you wonder what really is going on in those convents. They were giggling over “Excess Baggage another Sister was holding on to from a past relationship.” Ok, it wasn’t that bad, but come on I had to gain your attention with a good intro. It would have been funny though if they were talking about a -Sex Scandal between two of the sisters that turned out to be real sisters, and then that other sister, “who everyone knew had the genital warts that one time,” ended off being a man who had a sex change!!!!... Oh, that would have been some juicy stuff.  Someone should put that on a Novela Episode sometime… I CALL ALL COPYWRIGHTS!!!!!!!!

    Anyways, that got me thinking about the whole “Baggage” thing.  We all carry it around, some more generously than others, but it brought up the questions, “WHEN IS TOO MUCH, TOO MUCH? WHEN WILL YOU KNOW FOR YOUSELF WHEN THE RIGHT TIME, IS THE RIGHT TIME, TO GET BACK ON THE WAGON? HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE IT IN SOMEONE THAT YOU ARE DATING BEFORE YOU GET TOO INVOLVED? AND FINALLY- WHEN IS IT THE RIGHT TIME TO START TELLING THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE???? So many bloody questions that I still at times deal with. The same questions I know everyone else battles with as well.

     Well first things first, the time is not on a first date. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! “A mistake that I will never do again!.... NEVERRRR!!!.  I can tell you from personal experience if you are still talking about your Ex to someone you just met, ‘’OBVIOUSLY THAT IS BAGGAGE YOU HAVE NOT LET GO.” Luckily, this guy was very nice who I think understood I just needed to vent it out. So for his time, I bought him all the drinks he wanted for putting up with me, and said “Farewell.”  If you haven’t noticed I am going out of order. My past personal experience of an event as such, turned out to be best used now, so here we are discussing the last question first. ‘WHEN IS IT THE RIGHT TIME TO START TELLING THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE?” I think it is different for everyone. Depending how long you have known each other for in real time, and how many opportunities you guys have had to bond. We know it is not the first date.  As much as it is easier at times to go that direction, lets leave the “Darker and More intense Conversations” for the 3rd and beyond dates. In the beginning, it should be light and fun. Ask questions to allow your self to understand what kind of person the other is. I have always thought, the person who asks a lot of questions turns out to be the one who is genuinely interested.  I am not saying to “ Act like a Reporter and Go Crazy,” but have some spice with it and show some personality.  The more clever questions always caught my eye, and usually allowed me to want to know more about the other. Which meant, ‘SECOND DATE ;).”

     HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE IT IN SOMEONE THAT YOU ARE DATING BEFORE YOU GET TOO INVOLVED? Best way is to follow your instincts. Most people know the answer early off, but usually decide to keep pursuing out of these “Stupid Rules of Engagement.” You know, those “Rules we abide by, because Disney movies planted in our heads at an early age that ‘Love will Prevail in All,’ or those rules we leeched on to from magazines like Cosmo.” I am not saying anything is wrong with that, believe me, especially for those of us who have bad instincts. As a fellow candidate who usually has great advice for others, but SUCKS IN LIFE ON READING SIGNS FOR HIS OWN, I completely understand. Just try to figure out the little signs now, so later on, these dilemmas will not happen again. Practice always makes perfect.

     WHEN WILL YOU KNOW FOR YOUSELF WHEN THE RIGHT TIME, IS THE RIGHT TIME, TO GET BACK ON THE WAGON? Well again, everyone is of course different and every situation is different.  Answering this question can take pages depending how deep we want to go and how much “Shit” happened in it. For time purposes, lets just go over some of the generals. It first starts with that healing we all need. For me, it was a while. I had to look within myself to see how much I was broken, and relearn to be me again. Since I am definitely the “Hopeless Romantic,” after I was happy with being single again, and when I was able to look in the mirror to really smile, I know it was time.  I regained my confidence, and got in touch with every one of my passions, and before I knew it, I think I not only gained myself back, but also grew into whom I was always supposed to be. People sometimes believe in the need of the quote on quote “REBOUND RELATIONSHIP.”  I do too. Lol. But it is just not that easy. Most of the time, that one is not enough. You might have several little flings, hook ups, or even heart to heart relationships before you truly become ok again. It all depends on you and all of it is acceptable. Just be honest with yourself before taking any leaps of faith in these kinds of situations, because you don’t want to hurt the REBOUNDS. They have feelings too… LOL!

      Last but not least, the final question. WHEN IS TOO MUCH, TOO MUCH? Photobucket What I am asking here is, “When is the other’s Baggage, or your own, to Much to bare?” Simple. When the other’s baggage starts to really change you, who you are, and when everything in your world becomes about the other’s needs, IT IS TOO MUCH.  Or when you feel yourself trying to take on this new project as a cover up, because you don’t want to deal with everything else at the moment. IT IS TOO MUCH. I am not directing this to married relationships that have been together for years, nor am I overlooking the “OUT OF MY HAND SITUATIONS WHERE PROBLEMS BEGIN TO FALL OUT OF NO WHERE.” I am speaking to newly fresh relationships, including dating status, where it should still be at a getting to know each other bases. We all have different levels of what we can handle, our job is to realize how much we can take on and act on it. Not to be afraid of saying, “Look, you are amazing, but I am not ready for something like this,” or “Dude, you are definitely TO KOO KOO FOR MY COCOA PUFFS.” That is your job! You deserve it to yourself, and you deserve it to the other person involved.

    Well, that is my blog for the night. If you decided to make this part of your entertainment for the day, “I thank you,” and if I was able to help you out a little, then I did my job. Either way, I had a great time writing this one, because one day I hope to have a column geared in this direction of topic, or maybe something else. ;) If you have any questions about things bothering you, please do not hesitate to email me on Facebook, and I will try to help you out to the best of my ability. I may ask if it is ok to post a new “BLOG” about it, but if not then it will be completely confidential. Just say the words, or should I say, “ASK AWAY.

Ciao For Now
Your Bud

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It Has Been Too Long...

     So here we are again. Another moment of truth, and another moment to just let go. I have painfully had the urge to write day after day for the past couple months, but decided to stay away for my own sanity or what seems to be a better word “Focus.” I have a tendency to switch those words around depending on what moment in time my heart is in. See, so much has been happening, mostly amazing opportunities, but sometimes just “Shit.” But it is all “OK”, because I will always be one of those people who understands that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON and someone who finds himself DRIFTING OFF INTO THE CLOUDS ON A CONSTANT BASES. I am not really going to go through every detail of the bad, because there really isn’t any point. And if you are saying “YES THERE IS A POINT! FOR ENTERTAINMENT VALUE,” then you are really looking at the wrong entry for today. LOL… For those details you can check out my Twitter account at . No my good people, today is just for me, no snazzy back lash comment, no funny come backs, just free write. So I apologize now for all the wrong usage of my commas and periods. And for starting my sentences with words like “And” and “But.”

         Right now I am sitting in my room, desperately waiting for the sun to go down. All I really want to do is run. My destination, “ I HAVE NO CLUE,” That has been pretty much my freedom lately. Just putting on my black running shoes and running gear before heading out in a direction that feels right. It is my new obsession that I was able to regain after so many years. It helped me to not only loose 45 pounds, but it also gave me the strength to quit smoking, stop partying all the time, calm myself from worrying about relationships, and I guess grow up into the person that I lost along the way.  It is my “Anti-Crack” LOL.

      Right now I am also surrounded by gym equipment, because when God gave my family this new house he , or she ;), thought it would be funny to fit a 6.3 foot young man in a room that was meant for a 5 year old Asian girl.  If you walked into my room you would also think I was pretty much a crazy person, because you will find “NO T.V. , NO STEREO, AND NO COMPUTER OF ANY KIND.  Besides a lab top I decided to use today. All my mirrors are covered with quotes I wrote, as well as inspirational phrases said by legendary artists like “Maya Angelou” and um (clears throat)… “Usher”. LOL…. My mom told me that psychologists call that “usage of positive thinking” while I call it “ FINALLY USING MY WORDS TO INSPIRE ME RATHER THEN JUST ALWAYS TRYING TO INSPIRE OTHERS.”

     As much as it is obviously a small ass room, it definitely describes me. The walls are patterned “BY MY OWN HANDS” with several shades of blue, while black and white photos of foreign affairs are hung on equal points of the room. I sleep on a photon rather then a bed, because ever since I moved back home, it just didn’t seem right any more. I have no T.V. or Stereo, because I like the pleasure of having a space that is simpler and untraditionally calmer than the others. My yoga mat, guitar, and mic are at my left, while books are to my right. The same books that have been getting very dusty between the pages from a lack of use. Candles are really everywhere, lol, so there is no point to describe the specific points. I do share my room with my little one. NO NOT A CHILD!... lol…but my little cat, as my dog is made to stay outside.

      Last but not least, the two things that probably describes me most, but at times becomes the most confusing. The Section where I keep artifacts from different countries and a closet filled with my wardrobe. Most of my friends get very confused when they are trying to describe who I am to people, so I usually tell them to give up. I love “Fashion” so I do have some labels, because of the fit and style that it allows me to express, while the other half is simply “Ts” and jeans. As for my artifacts, well “I LOVE DIFFERENT CULTURES AND RELIGIONS.” I was raised around enough of them, so it was bound to rub off on me. I apologize for this rant, because I just realized I pretty much wrote an entire blog describing my room. LOL…. If you took the time to read this, “Thank You”, and to read articles I actually thought more about, you can check out my past blogs. I hope everyone has a wonderful night, because it is finally time to run. Yay!!....
