This is the “Biggy” for most people. The career choices that we make to become a success in our own rights. Some are lucky enough to know what they want from the beginning. It is as though particular individuals walk out of the womb with tap shoes glued to their feet as they tap dance and shake their hips as the crowning of mothers are set in place. Some even become child prodigies at the age of 3 by their first piano lesson because the stars aligned just right for them to be able to touch a piano with their tiny little fingers.
It is a phenomenon to me how these events come into play rather it was the intention of the parent or just a cosmic energy that was meant to be. Non-the-less it is a choice in the end. The choice of rather deciding to stick with it or change for reasons only we know. Maybe a loss of interest happened or just another path became a little bit more important as life brought them to pivotal moments. Career choices or at least the ideas of what we should do happen to all of us, so we must never feel we are on our own in the whole situation.
I was brought up with this question of, “What do you want to be?” since I could remember. There is nothing wrong with the question, but from what I have learned there are negatives and positives of the matter. I found myself as a child to be very shy, and rather I like it or not, this question became a burden. Yes, it did bring me to endless possibilities and brought me to the awareness that I should try everything I do with full passion, but I still cannot help to have admired the freedom of other children. The ability of play without the inner monologue of, “ Is this for Me? And maybe I should try everything all at once to make sure I make my deadline as an adult.” Children and people are all different. It is no fault of any parent or any mentor, because the outcome of how a person feels from being given this opportunity of ponder is different for everyone. After doing my own soul searching I realized it was not a burden. It was my truth that prepared me for what came and it still is.
What brought me to this topic in the first place is simple. I’m back in college going almost full time, while the majority of friends are graduating. I am completely happy for each and every one of them, but it makes you wonder and question the path you decided for yourself. While the majority of my friends were in college, it seemed that life brought me into another direction. I remembered the day it happened. I was in my first year in college in 2005, where I was going more then full time, and I asked the man (or women what ever you believe) up stairs to do me a favor. I asked, “ Lord I know I am meant for more, I know I was put on this earth to help people at a global scale, so please bring it to me.” The ironic thing that happened after this seemed confusing, but in the end it worked out. In 2006, I was in a car accident that took me out of school for almost a year. After a battle to get back in, it brought me to an interesting crossroads. To either keep on fighting to satisfy the good intentions of the college or choose my own path. This is where the epiphany, of many, came to my acknowledgement. What I decided was to see school as training rather than a cirriculum. So from then on I took courses that would satisfy my craving rather than what met the accomplishment of a degree. Yes, I am paying for it now, but I am still happy I made that decision. It brought me into contact with the entertainment industry that allowed me to participate in every aspect. To me I had a moment of success that reached a satisfying level, but by no means am I done.
I wish I would have more time to explain this a little bit further, but I know as much as anyone that your interest in “Little Old Me” is a click away from your Facebook browser. So if I don’t include words and phrases like “FUCK, BITCHES, and add a note about OPRAH leaving her show or a quote from the E! Network about Lindsay” then you will probably be leaving soon.
There are you happy! Ok! Ok! I gave you a picture, but come on she is about to go into the Ugly Cry! That's better than a quote. Love you Oprah, Please Don't Hurt Me!
I’m just kidding, but I’m between classes so let me get to the point. We all have different paths, and we all have different ways of getting there. It doesn’t make a person any less justified or important, it is just supposed to be different for every one of us. If it had not been then we would all be the same person, and that would make this world a very boring place to live in. I am still on my journey as well as all of you are. In moments of fear look inside yourselves to find peace, and when that doesn’t work just know that this is not the end of you. Every one of us has a purpose rather it is easy or difficult to reach. Be strong, be confident, and know that you are worthy for whatever decision you make for yourself. For me I know I am not done yet, and I will find where I am supposed to be. So I wish all the success to all of you who are on your path rather it is defined or a little hazy. Just please be genuine and honest, because life never wanted us to be anything else.
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