Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Journey Within & Help Hotlines *ALL AGES*

Life is indifferent sometimes.  We all know that. One moment  you can feel like you’re on CLOUD NINE and a second later you could feel as though nothing is worth it anymore.  In this present existence it is almost unknown to hear someone say the words “I AM PERECTLY HAPPY.’’ I get that no one actually uses those exact words, but the understanding goes to the entirety of the phrase. “I AM + PERFECTLY= HAPPY.  Instead of rambling on about that phrase all together, the purpose of me saying that is because no one can be perfectly happy. We are all going to have problems, we are all going to deal with things that seem endless, and we are all going to be faced with challenges that are unfair. A few things were brought to my attention that I choose not to speak about, because I simply choose not to. But just remember that you are not alone.  Yes the situations are different for everyone, and the BOILING POINT can only go so far until the meter reaches that limit, but believe me THINGS GET BETTER. They always will. Just… maybe do something that I do if you’re interested. I write, I go to some of my FAVORITE PLACES that make me happy, find that memory that MAKE ME SMILE, talk to a FRIEND, look within to figure out what is ACTUALLY HAPPENING around me, or even simply being in the moment to see what is really UP. Everyone is different so DON’T FEEL LIKE YOUR WAY IS WRONG.  There is always an answer. Believe me, I am one that has always looked. Some of them I have been lucky to find but others I am still trying to figure out.

Here are some websites and numbers if you ever need to talk. Especially if you feel a little awkward to talk to someone that is around you. Or possibly to find out a little more information…
.....  PUT A SMILE ON =)

Toll-free/24hrs/7days a week

This is a national hotline for teens for depression-24hrs.

Another Teen Help site- 24hrs.

Drug Addiction

this is the same site but link for California

This is the GLBT National Help Center- Gays, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender
GLBT National Hotline – 1-888-843-4564
GLBT National Youth Talkline- 1-800-246-7743

This is an online support group

And there are many more contacts at this site below. You can find help for alcoholism, abuse, eat disorders and awareness, poison control, and other contacts as well.


Here is a Credit Counseling Company that I use that is helping me with my debt
ACCC- American Consumer Credit Counseling 

Toll Free- 1-800-769-3571
Local in California- 1-617-559-5700

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