Friday, February 25, 2011


Alarm goes off, It’s time to go
I open my eyes, I start to groan
It’s cold, but pleasant, all at the same time
As I start to move around to wipe my eyes.

I lean right over, to do what I have to do
And that’s turn the annoyance off
Before putting on my shoes,
I sit up and smell the coffee
That my Hubby already made
And hear his footsteps walk passed,
Right across the bed.

I smile and stretch every limb that I see
And attempt to not trip as I crawl to the sink.
With every strength, with every bone,
With every fiber that I possess
I will make it in my three piece suit, 
So I will be properly dressed!

I don’t care if that means no showering for today
I’ll skip my teeth, I’ll skip my hair, 
I’ll just look like yesterday;
No one will notice, no one will ask
As long as the smells gone
I’m sure I will last
What’s the point of even changing my socks
If I’m not doing the other tasks?
Really it’s just routine
Who cares! If I do it half fast.

Now I’m late, “Thank You Mirror,”
You have always tricked me
By not being very clear
I run out the door with my mug
Spilling left and right
Time to go to work again
With the same stain from yesterday’s flight.


Nicilija Macklis